Bring your insurance information with you to your first appointment. Some insurance plans pay only a portion of dental treatment charges.
- If you are fearful or anxious about seeing a dentist, ask a family member or friend to come with you and your child to the dentist appointment.
- Talk to your child about going to the dentist. Use words your child will understand and a positive or neutral tone of voice. Avoid using terms like “shot” or “drill.”
- Read a “visit to the dentist” picture book together – libraries and bookstores offer many good choices.
- Try to schedule the appointment at a time that will not disrupt your child’s nap or meal times.
- We encourage you to ask all the questions you like so we can best meet the needs of your child.
Our waiting room has comfortable seating and a play area for young children. However, we do not have babysitting services available. Because we want parents and patients to feel at ease during their visits, we have limited seating available in the treatment area for parents to join our patients during their exam.