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For Parents / Caregivers


Smiling child

Accredited Schools Online provides a guide that covers the unique difficulties autistic students face and how educators can respond to them. In addition, advice is provided from autism experts and resources to help families with an ASD child.

American Red Cross: Provides interpretation and translation services for the public through The Language Bank. For information and services please e-mail:

The Arc of King County: The Arc of King County is a non-profit advocacy organization that focuses on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and their communities through free services such as information and referral, family support, and legislative advocacy.

Basic Beginnings:  Our mission is to provide children with autism and other special needs the opportunity to gain the necessary basic social and life skills to build confidence and independence for his or her future.

Boy Scouts of America: The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law.

Jewish Family Service: We deliver essential human services to alleviate suffering, sustain healthy relationships and support people in times of need. Food bank, aging services, mental health counseling, refugee/immigrant services, project dvora/domestic violence programs,  and family life education. Call 206-461-3240.

KidsQuest Children’s Museum: Explore, play and learn at KidsQuest Children’s Museum, a hands-on, interactive museum for children and families designed to engage kids from birth to age eight. KidsQuest’s exhibits and programs integrate science, technology, engineering, art and math for whole-body, whole-brain learning.

Mockingbird Society: We are the leading, independent voice for foster care reform in Washington state and beyond, built upon youth-inspired solutions and public support for every child’s right to a safe home and bright future.

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Resources for Parents of Children with Autism

United Indians Family Services for Native Americans: We offer a variety of services based on what your family and/or child(ren) need. Parent-child educational sessions; traditional Native American drumming or music; workshops; cultural events; sweats; and connecting with elders.

University of Washington Autism Center: The UW Autism Center is committed to improving the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families.

Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy: The mission of WAAA is to ensure that our children have every opportunity to become productive members of society. Our programs fall under three main umbrellas: providing resources, enhancing community, and advocating for implementation of legislation.

Within Reach: Helping families in Washington state find programs and resources. Call 1-800-322-2588.